Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Another Story of My Life

"By all means be angry. There is, however, never a reason to be cruel."

I remember hearing this often from my grandmother. I couldn't discern the difference when I was younger but I do now and I believe this wholeheartedly. I find that so many people today would be prefer to be cruel for no reason other than to be cruel and exact revenge.

I've heard horror stories of people shooting and stabbing others because of verbal arguments, drivers running people off roads because they lost a race or were cut off, and the youth of today becoming ever so belligerent because they read things from social media and start to lash out at anyone for something that has nothing to do with them.

When did simple communication and conversation cease to be used a tool to diffuse situations? I'm a millennial youth but I'm old enough to remember being taught about using positive communication, not my hands or other weapons, to handle situations. I most certainly was taught to exude whatever emotion I felt but in a positive way.

I wanted to write about this topic because I recently participated in an open forum which discussed the lack of communication skills in many individuals and their inability to handle conflict effectively and maturely. It was interesting because it started with a simple statement "Communication is essential to everyone."

Now one would guess that this would be a pretty straightforward and amicable discussion. Guess again. It was a train wreck. Being I'm in graduate school studying a concentration grouped under communication, I felt this would be great insight into a diverse group of professionals, how they interact, and how well they used what they learned in both their personal and professional lives. Needless to say, all of that went out of the window.

This was a recorded session as the host needed this data collected to be able to translate it and code it for her project. The first participant to speak immediately stated that they felt communication was essential to only those who could communicate well. As you would expect, this caused a huge cacophony of opinions from the onset of the conversation

The other people immediately rejected that opinion and it was a ping pong tournament of words being shot at people rather than a discussion. One thing I learned is that there are a few topics of discussion that people engage themselves in that are only there to incite anger. Religion, Race, and Politics rarely change a person's mind. More or less, it changes a person's feelings toward you. If you do or don't side with them has an adverse effect on your relationship after the discussion.  Many people left the discussion with chips on their shoulders and probably decided to forget about the happy hour they originally planned on going to.

The discussion started with communication and ended with racial slurs, blatant threats, and fast-beating hearts. Suffice it to say, the host got exactly what she needed and everyone else go what they didn't. I believe things like this stem from upbringing. It's all a cycle that starts with our original educators (our parents). If they weren't talk in the way of effective and open communication, they can't teach us. If we don't learn the proper way, we can't teach our children. It's a cycle.

Nonetheless, this experience taught me to be more mindful of what and how I say things and that elaboration, not confrontation, is the key to getting out unscathed. The problem was not about the anger that many people started to exhibit, it was the fact that is was displaced and they allowed it to ruin plans and even relationships. That's when things got cruel. Personal shots were fired by friends to other friends. The issue became more about an individual's communication flaws rather than how necessary verbal and nonverbal communication is to us as humans.

I suppose this can be a lesson to all of us. The next time your discussing something with someone, pay attention to what and how you say things. Pay attention to your non-verbal behavior. If it's an altercation with someone who is less than favorable in your eyes, try to see if you can control the situation by taking the emotion out of it or at least limiting it. That may make a difference for your and help you to realize that you can still be amicable without being friendly.

I wanted to end this post with a bang so here goes... BANG!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's Going On?

"It's not about the years that are in your life, it's about the life that is in your years." You've all heard this... many times I'm sure. 

Why don't we follow this affirmation? We have gotten entirely too bogged down with making money and spending it that we have forgotten about what living truly is. 

Maybe I'm just rambling. Maybe I just needed to vent. Maybe I'm supposed to be telling you this. Maybe I just don't give a.... 

Okay. The reason for this post today is simply to bring back awareness and spread the message that we need to start thinking about fun more than we do about a bill. Our days on this earth are limited and quite small. We need to give back to others as well. When did the amount of money you have determine the quality of care you were going to receive or whether you would live or die?

I was listening to Tom Joyner this morning and there was a story about a small clinic that had to shut their doors for a period of time because the workers and counselors walked out and there was no one to man or woman their stations. Because of this, hundreds of people who frequented that clinic (for free) missed out on urgent and essential care.

Many made comments stating we didn't know the circumstances surrounding the walk out but I can still speculate it had something to do with money. I know for certain that they didn't walk out because they wanted to get a V-8. Anyway, it made me ponder on how we have centered our society around money. 

It's because of money that we have good or bad days, stressful or wonderful chapters in life, and have to sacrifice and budget. There is nothing wrong with having a medium of exchange but when that medium causes you to betray your principles and values to steal and kill we have a problem Houston.

I really could be over thinking this. I could honestly be going off the deep end and allowing this one story to affect me in such an emotional way because I'm on my MANustration. I don't know. What I do know is that I really dislike how our nation is evolving. 

Do you ever think about how life will be in 25 years? 2039. Well Apophis may have either destroyed us or we may be living in peace and merriment where everyone gets along and helps each other in need. (insert chirping crickets) Seriously, things are crazy and hectic now so imagine how things will be in the years to come. Things must get worse before they can get better.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic about our lives but I do feel that we should enrich each other's life instead of contributing to the inadequacy that so many individuals feel trying to "measure up" to fantasy created by the very people who despise it.

Was the world supposed to end up like this or did it become this way because of our own free will and intelligence? THINK. THINK HARDER. There has been a consistent change each century in the people that have lived through each one. It seems today everything that we do relies on technology. Just when we thought technology has peaked, something else comes up that fortifies our dependence on it.

Children are born into this and know nothing else. They are forgetting what books feel like, how the pages yield a stale but nostalgic aroma, the feeling of the cold cover, and the sound of the pages as they turn onto each other. They are forgetting about tree houses, mud pies, and hide -n-seek because they now have Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, and Line Runner. The only exploring they do is with Dora and the only tools they see is Manny's. Seven year olds have Instagram accounts and are changing their statuses to "in a relationship" on Facebook.

What's going on?

It's time to take back our lives and live them like we won't wake up tomorrow. It's not promised anyway.

The human condition is not so human anymore. 

I wanted to end this post with a bang, so here it goes: BANG.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday Morning Meeting

As I tried to maintain focus on what was being and the mouth of who was saying it, I realized the harder I fought to concentrate, the easier it was for me to lose concentration and doze off. I fell asleep with my eyes open. 

It was Monday, I was tired, I was bored, and it was Monday. I feel like that sometimes and I will admit that I'm one of the many people who wish that Tuesday would be the first day of the work week and the many who also realize that if it was we would simply hate Tuesday instead of Monday.

Nonetheless, I was brought back from my solitude as the GM's business folder slammed on the table and he said "let's make it a good week." A good week? I can't even make it a good day; hell, not even a good hour because it's Monday! I won't even get into the other feelings I felt and always feel when I drag myself into work on Monday.

I took the liberty of writing a little poem while I was dozing off and forcing myself to stay awake:

Sitting in this chair, they don't even give a care
          10 balloons in my hands cuz they're blowing hot air

I'm rising to the ceiling, a super duper feeling 
I have a winning hand, but no one's really dealing

My mind is pacing everywhere, thinking what should I do
Camouflaging all my thoughts when I really know the truth

I'm loyal, honest, talented, compassionate to boot
Integrity all through my veins but no one gives a hoot

With my skills I close deals making money for the corp 
Oration is my specialty my paycheck says it's not

So I just sit like a minion thinking this is all wrong
While my ideas are being used by "the man" like they're his own

I try to stand, raise my hand, I just want all of you to see me
I'm ignored, now I'm bored in my Monday Morning Meeting.

I don't know about all of you but my Mondays only exist on the extreme plane. They are either really good or really bad. I suppose if I was making 6 figures everything would be fine, right? Wrong. The money is an issue but it not the problem or the solution. "Do what you love and you never have to work a day in your life." I know you have heard that quote before and it's true. So true. I'm still young but I have had jobs back then that offered me that "fun factor." Now that I'm a professional in the "real world" I still long for that balance of fun and responsibility with a nice paycheck that shows my value in the company. I long for Profunsionalism.

Profunsionalism. if you actually use context clues, is a merging of professionalism and fun. You don't come across companies with a culture like that but when you do, hold on for dear life to them. I sit back and think to myself: "I just wrote all of this from how I felt about a Monday morning meeting?" I guess it will do it to you. You can draw inspiration from any place you can feel despair. Darn that's a good quote. :-)

Anyway though, I suppose it's up to YOU to prevent forest fires and also complacency at work. Your job is a place where you see your coworkers more than you see your spouse, family, significant others, pets, and friends. For more than 8 hours a day you are in a building, automobile, or other vessel with someone who gets paid from the same company as you so why not make that relationship as pleasant, positive, and fruitful as could be?

I'm learning this right now. Yes, it's difficult but so is learning to walk for the first time. Babies are fierce and fearless however and they don't even realize it (heck, they don't even realize they drool) but nonetheless we must display that same fearlessness and drive to make things work when it seems they never will. The Monday morning meeting is the perfect place to start because on Mondays no ones wants to be at work or sitting in a meeting discussing mundane tasks, goals for the week, and issues that happened the week prior. This is the perfect environment to begin with a joke or donuts or even a pat on the back or standing ovation for the collective work the company has done to keep their doors open another week.

In closing, nothing that is corny is bad but it's made of corn and corn is used in lots of things today especially Mexican food and who can resist Mexican food?

I wanted to end this post with a bang so here it goes. BANG!

Friday, January 10, 2014

"New Year, New Me"

It's official! The New Year has arrived and everyone is back to the "New Year New Me" state of mind which baffles me because no one ever commits and follows through with it. It's more of a tool people use to impress others and to make others think that they are making the extra effort to transform themselves into someone they will never be.

I don't get that because the fact of the matter is there will never be a "new you." You can tweak yourself, make yourself over, and transform yourself into a better person but you can't be a new you because for that to happen you couldn't exist. When something is new, there is no copies of it or traces of a template. That's why I never understood how commercials state things are new AND improved. How can that be? The saying should be "New You, Better Me."

I saw a quote that read: "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Let's make it a good one." I love that! We do write the story of our lives which ultimately culminates into a massive anthology of books. We must really decided how we want those books to read.

This year let's just improve upon who we are. Let's communicate effectively, listen intently, smile profusely, and do the right thing even when no one is watching. A start would be putting down your cell phone and actually talking to people instead of texting. It would mean hugging someone without the use of emoji. It would mean sending a hand written letter to someone you love as opposed to email. Let's get back to the simpler things. 

The resolutions some of us made last year have still not been fulfilled but we want to make new ones for another year? Resolutions should only be made if you are making them for the sole purpose of improving your life and it must not be a fad but a lifestyle change. This goes for the dieters as well. You won't lose weight/inches and keep it off if you are dieting. Eating right is a lifestyle change that requires you to make it a habit. It's not seasonal like Christmas decorations. 

There are so many different venues for us to improve ourselves. I've come up with tips for each aspect of our complete self that we can work on going into 2014 to become improved individuals:

  • Mental Aspect - As you know, our minds are flooded with the to-do lists, alarm clocks, and deadlines we are to meet if we are to be hard-working and reliable individuals in life. To combat this, take a time management course online or in person. Time management skills are important in every relationship (professional and personal) and help us to chart out our day and designate which priorities deserve the most time and when we take care of them. I've learned that when we are organized mentally, it yields a certain satisfaction and a feeling of purpose especially when you realize that some of the decisions you make aid others in their day. I learned this and I'm so glad that I was afforded the opportunity to be taught time management--it is a process however. There is so much noise that goes on in our day that it can be difficult to think about our selves and what we need. Organize your thoughts, organize your day, organize your life.
  • Physical Aspect - If you ask any person something that they would like to improve about themselves, the vast majority will tell you something that is physical.This is where eating right, exercising, and treating yourself comes in. Earlier in the post I mentioned making a lifestyle change. 
    • Make the choice and take the challenge of changing what and how much you eat. No one is saying all you can eat is "rabbit food," as my grandmother puts it, but it's important to know what you are ingesting. There are these labels on every food that half the population does not even read. They are called "nutrition facts" and tell you everything you need to know about what you are about to eat or drink. Read Them. Eating certain foods is scientifically proven to make you feel either good or bad. Why do you think you feel groggy and disoriented when you wake up in the morning  after taking a late night trip to McDonalds? Certain chemicals we simply don't need in our body. Cook your own food. It's not difficult to go to the store and buy ground beef or turkey and make a burger that will yield a healthier meal. Instead of eating a whole Hershey bar, eat half and then try to decrease to a 1/4. Moderation is paramount! Search online for healthy eating regimens and lifestyle changes. I guarantee you will feel better after changing up the foods you eat.
    • Exercise has always been an issue for some people. Instead of focusing on the hard work it will take to shed the pounds focus on the end result. Find someone who has been through it and talk to them. Anything worth having is worth working for. Keep in mind that this helps to alleviate many health issues that we have as we get older. Put down the Big Mac before you get a heart attack. Pick up dumb bell if you want to know the secret to living long and well. Eating right and in moderation in addition to an active exercise regimen is the key to heightened self-esteem, positive attitudes, defined bodies, and good internal health.You can start off slow and then begin to add more to your regimen. Along the way you will find certain exercises that you like. It doesn't matter what you do, just do something. A little of something will save you a lot of nothing.
  • Spiritual Aspect - This is something that many people neglect and confuse with other things. Being spiritual does not mean you are religious. This means that you are more aware of the metaphysical universe through meditation, prayer, and wellness. Some people's lives are so topsy turvy because nothing is keeping them grounded, organized, and motivated spiritually. When are you not at "one" with yourself you are most probably spreading yourself too thin, not allowing time for yourself to self-heal, self-talk, and self-assure. As humans we all need that. Why? My grandmother put it very simply: We are all spiritual beings on a human journey. In her opinion, and I do concur, our short life on this earth is simply to help us remember the emotions that are exclusive only to the human race. If we don't experience these emotions, we aren't really living or dying. Find something or someone that you can you find solace in. Create your own special person or place. I guarantee you after a few months of enhancing your spirituality, you'll be more calm, less tense, happier, and so organized.
  • Financial Aspect - DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN! After Christmas it seemed like we all went from Ho, Ho, Ho to Owe, Owe, Owe! :-) It's a normal thing with us but it shouldn't be. Budgeting is much more economical, logical, and appealing when it comes to ensuring you have money year round, aren't bouncing checks like a basketball, and not living paycheck to paycheck. Firstly, stop spending money on impulse. You can buy what you want when you have enough 500-1000 dollars left over from bills each month. Until then, put that money in a savings account or do a 52-week challenge like I've been doing for a couple years. What's a 52-week challenge? I'm glad you asked. Take a look at the picture below:
     Upon completing this, you will have over 1300.00 dollars that you can do whatever you choose to with. It's simply WAM (Walk Around Money) as my father used to call it. In regards to financial stability, part of being stable is using what you NEED and eliminating what you don't. Do you really need that cable package? Must you get a mani/pedi every two weeks? Is every shirt you see at Armani Xchange your favorite? Find out some things that you can do without and do without them. My motto is sacrifice now to live lovely later (L.L.L.).
  • Emotional Aspect - I, along with other people, struggle with this. If you are to make this lifestyle change and come around full circle then you must commit to it. K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). Just as you are to keep everything simple, so is it essential to keep your life simple and as they say "drama free." Worry about others' problems after you resolve your own and only assist with the issues don't take them on! I am always the one who is considerate of everyone else's problems, concerns, and feelings and always put my own on the back burner. Sometimes I feel like I am taking the burdens of the world on my shoulders and it becomes so unbearable. There comes a time in one's life where you must simply say F*** it All! It's totally okay to be a little selfish at times when it comes to taking care of yourself. In addition to that, you must always express your feelings. Don't hold things in anymore. There are people who have a hold on others from the grave or on the other side of the world because emotions weren't expressed--don't let this happen. Handle all your issues with others and commit to handling any others that come your way maturely, quickly, and hug after (seriously, it works.)
I do hope that this does help you to mold a better you in the new year. If you can't get it all done now, there are years to come. Who is a person? Who we are is the sum of everything we have ever said, done, and felt all wrapped up in one unique thread which is constantly being revised and remembered. To be yourself, you have to constantly remember yourself. I said I wanted to end this post with a bang so here it goes. BANG.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Manage Relationships/Conflicts: An Emotional View

     Managing difficult relationships and conflicts in life can, at the time, seem like the most horrible thing in the world. It’s only horrible because, believe it or not, we are more peaceful than violent and we crave healthy and positive relationships with very minimal conflict. There are many different types of relationships that we enter into and within those relationships there are conflicts that arise and either promote growth or signify termination. Moreover, based on our own self concept and self-esteem coupled with our interpersonal communication skills, we can either handle these conflicts effectively or not handle them at all. There are many different avenues that we can take to approach managing relationships and conflicts effectively where all parties included feel they have gotten their issues expressed, their points accepted, and a resolution in tow.

     The life quotient consists of body, intelligence, emotions, will-power, and spirit. When all five of these elements are in place, working in tandem, and synchronous then can life truly be in total balance. Among these elements, one lies in the middle and serves as the “keystone” element. Emotions are the red blood cells of interpersonal communication. Just as red blood cells are responsible for transporting nutrient rich blood away from the heart and bringing nutrient lacking blood to the heart to be replenished, so are emotions responsible for transporting our thoughts and feelings from our minds, converting them into emotions or action, and relaying them to those who are to receive them. They play a very important role in making or breaking our day, repairing or damaging a marriage, and influencing a split-second decision to start or end a war. There are no good or bad emotions; there are only good and bad ways of expressing or acting on them. Emotions take on the actions that we give them and we often make the mistake of allowing them to influence us too much and thereby cloud our rationalization which leads to conflicts and improper management of our relationships. How you react to a situation emotionally is in fact a choice to show who you are. Though emotions encompass every part of our lives and are connected to every statement we make, they are most prevalent in relationships and conflicts among individuals.

     Emotional intelligence and relationship management go hand in hand because relationship management is one fifth of emotional intelligence. Our driving purpose in life in general is to build strong, healthy, effective relationships. In order to manage relationships, we must be able to manage our own emotions before engaging in a relationship. There are different types of relationships but there are two general types that stand out among them; personal and business. In managing business relationships, the traditional view was that emotions should be left at home or at the door because they were debilitating and very distracting in cultivating partnerships as they fostered a sense of weakness and submission. Today, individuals partaking in business relationships realize that emotions are often times more important and powerful in building a foundation than intellect and utilizing them, as opposed to suppressing them, alerts them to crucial dangers that could cripple the organizational and corporate structure. In managing a business relationship, one must cultivate as many positive feelings instead of ignoring them. If people are angry, anxious, or depressed their work suffers regardless if the emotions are suppressed or emoted. They can’t think as clearly when it comes to ideas, take in information as fully when it comes to receiving instruction, or respond as effectively when they’re upset.

     Personal relationship management is an area where everyone should pay attention to and strive to make better. We must not confuse the ‘management’ term with ‘manipulation’ however despite the fact that many people in relationships benefit from doing this. There are many different aspects that one must focus on and pay attention to. Your thoughts and what you say, communication, play a pivotal role in relationships; emotions, more often than not, are slaves to those thoughts. Unfortunately, we are slaves to our emotions and because of this we sometimes feel a certain way even when we don’t want to. To get over this we must begin to monitor our self-talk and empathize with others in addition to getting smarter in our approach to expressing emotions and handling conflicts; we must build our emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize what feelings are appropriate in a given situation and the skill to communicate those feelings effectively. The first step is emotional awareness—the ability to know what we are feeling and why we are feeling that way. Our emotional awareness helps us to know and accept ourselves but we must build upon this awareness daily in order to become more aware of our emotions and always share our feelings with those we do engage in relationships with. Emotional regulation deals with how well you are able to manage your emotions under pressure. Motivation, the third step, translates your drive to transform negative thoughts and conflicts into positive ones. Empathy is the capacity to recognize others’ emotions and respond to them genuinely and sympathetically. Social skills, the final core trait, are the ability to interact well with others in communication, teamwork, and trust.

     Another way to manage a relationship or a conflict is to allow yourself time to cool off before interacting with others. This will allow you to bring the true emotions to mind and decide why these emotions are present. Doing this allows you to take a mental inventory of the things that are necessary to ensure a smooth progression of thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to get reciprocation of those things from others. More often than not we simply want to get our point across without worrying about what another individual says or how they feel. Because of this, emotions get ramped up because neither person is concerned about resolving the conflict but simply overpowering the conversation because their emotions got the best of them and became debilitative. When engaging in a relationship or conflict we must always be mindful about identifying our emotions, the first guideline for communicating emotions effectively. This will help you avoid mixed emotions that can prevent you from using the best language possible to express a clear and concise thought. When choosing the most beneficial language, you are able to recognize the differences between your true feelings and if you should act on those feelings which cause facilitative emotions.

     When individuals form a relationship, there are many other things that sometimes take precedent over emotions. Because of this, there seems as if there is never a “right time” to express your feelings and truly get to the root of whatever problem may be bugging you. This causes conflict, feelings to be over or understated, and an argument ensues causing the true purpose of the conversation to be forgotten and a focus on the actions that one’s emotions have created to be brought into question. Have you ever had a conflict with someone and immediately were blamed or placed blame on someone else? This is because we expect others to understand how we feel and discount their own feelings on account of us. This would be a very possible thing if everyone could empathize with the emotions of others by being mindful of their own emotions in past situations and applying how they handled them to their present conflicts.

     As humans, we rarely will take fault for something even if it is explicitly evident that we are at fault. We will place blame on another and say that an action they displayed was the reason for reactive action or emotion on our part. We already know what perception is and how it influences our thought process and how we think we are perceived by someone else. Perception goes hand in hand with emotions and communication because these elements either help or hinder a relationship or conflict—one must own one’s feeling and hold themselves accountable for any actions, feelings, or words that develop within the “world” of the conflict. After all, no one makes you feel the way you do, you choose to feel that way according to how you feel about yourself and how much you allow another’s emotions to influence you. Our emotions give us information about what we are experiencing and teach us how to react to a conflict in a more self-accepted way, but they are rendered useless if we don’t pay attention to what causes us to feel the way we do.

     A very positive way to manage conflicts is to know what your emotional triggers are before even engaging in them. Consciousness of emotions helps you to channel them appropriately. Reflect on what really ticks you off and identify if there is a recurring pattern to this behavior. Identify what the recurring trigger is and determine what is behind the trigger that causes you to blow a gasket. One of my emotional triggers is set off when a person does not say “thank you.” The emotion that I display is anger but the emotion behind this trigger is a feeling of inadequacy in the fact that what I did was not good enough to warrant expressed appreciation. Triggers can sometimes take the form of other feelings because we don’t want to disclose how we truly feel. These triggers can be fear, loss of control, anxiety, or insecurity all posing as anger or depression. Finding why we allow ourselves to mask our true emotions can truly be cathartic and can aid us in breaking poor emotional response patterns.
One interesting aspect of managing relationships and how emotions play a big part exists between men and women. It is quite evident that gender and culture are two influential variables in managing conflict. The way a conflict is resolved is not at the discretion of a single person but is determined by the influence of both parties manipulating one another as they form a relational conflict style. Though there are exceptions to the rule, the vast majority of men and women communicate the way they do because of societal expectations, social norms, and environmental upbringing.

     According to Dr. Leslie Owen-Wilson, “men who are high in emotional intelligence are socially poised, outgoing, and not prone to fearless or worried rumination. These same men have a capacity for commitment, take responsibility, and are very caring and sympathetic in their relationships. They are rich in emotional life, comfortable with who they are, and others.” These men are more suitable to handle a conflict or a relationship issue positively by looking at the causes of the conflict, a forecasted outcome, and the process it takes to get there. Despite the fact that men are taught to “toughen up” and tend to transfer their feelings into anger at the expectation of society, emotionally intelligent men are more refined and apt to exude the most appropriate emotion in a conflict. By contrast, Owen-Wilson states that “emotionally intelligent women tend to be assertive and express their feelings, including anger, directly … they feel positive about themselves and life holds meaning for them. They are gregarious and express their feelings appropriately, rather than in outbursts they later regret, and adapt well to stress while being comfortable enough with who they are to be playful and spontaneous.” If you pay attention to the social norms of men and women you will see that both sexes are not “trained” in the most beneficial way from birth. As a result of this, interpersonal communication suffers, self-esteem is lowered, emotions cannot be truly distinguished, and the overall life quotient becomes imbalanced. These hindrances make it hard to manage relationships and conflicts.

     In a perfect world, there would be no need to manage relationships and there would be no conflicts, because everyone would operate on a metaphysical level with each individual knowing to avoid saying or doing anything that incites a conflict. Since we don’t live in that perfect world, we must use the skills necessary to foster and cultivate relationships and resolve conflicts on our own on an emotional level to be able to speak about them on a communicative level. Emotional intelligence, like any other aspect, can be taught and learned and the skills are embedded within us upon acquiring them. Managing relationships effectively with the proper emotions will allow a relationship to blossom and the spores of that blossom will spread to others who you engage in relationships with.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Self Esteem, Self Concept, a Young Black Girl: A Glass of Big Deal

Douglas Firebaugh once said, “belief has the word 'lie' in it...and that pretty much sums up what the world has us believing about ourselves.” The world around us, specifically the society we live in, contributes to the external release of feelings and the internal struggle that we go through in our lives. These feelings and struggles and how we handle them are a direct response to and side effect of our self-concept and self-esteem. Self concept is a self description based on how you perceive yourself. It asks you: “who do you think you are?” It spans the facets of our uniqueness, our abilities, and is changeable. The self concept gauges your knowledge, though right or wrong, of yourself. The strength of your self concept relies on how much you reflect on your self, behavior, and actions. Self esteem is a self evaluation that is rooted in our self concept. It is your self worth based on your perception of appearance and talents. It is not what you think you know about yourself, but is the attitude that you have toward yourself. It is a designation you give yourself that lives within the spectrum of negative and positive. Your self-esteem determines if you think your successful or not, pretty or unattractive, and so on.

Despite the fact these two terms are different; they are similar to each other in the fact that self esteem branches from self concept. Moreover, these two terms are similar because they make you think about who you are and how you feel about that designation and ties them together to form the “you” you feel exists. Self concept and self esteem are both reflective, meaning you must not only pay attention to your inner feelings, but also the feelings of those around you, from other people and the environment, and analyze what you deem as true or false about others’ perceptions about you, for they assist in shaping who you are. “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung could not have said this better and this quote really put into perspective how essential feedback from others’ around me influenced the amount of satisfaction or disdain that I had for myself. If I didn’t have these external stimuli to rely on, would I have a fully developed self concept of myself? Would my self esteem be considered high or low? I feel that it would be difficult to ascertain being I had no one to compare myself to and no one to give me feedback which would result, not in equilibrium, but an absolute zero concept of my perceived self. I would not know how I feel or who I am or why I felt this way or if I did, it would be a skewed partially created and blurred image. I like to think of this absence of feedback as one would think about being alone in space. It is dark and empty thus I would never know if I’m moving forward or backward, up or down, linear or circular because there are no points of reference that I could rely on to make a sound inference about my speed, motion, or distance. The same applies to the need for us to have opinions, or feedback, from others or at least imagine how we are thought to be perceived by them to, in effect, raise or lower our self esteem and bolster or lessen the image of our self concept. People always make the statement: “don’t judge me,” yet to judge someone is the only way to make sense of who they are and ultimately the person being judged is molded into the person they are because of this. The fact of the matter is judgment contributes to our esteem.

Though there are certain similarities that group self concept and self esteem together, it can also be said that there are distinct differences between the two terms that allow them to function individually as well. In contrast, the biggest difference between self concept and self esteem is the incorporation of feelings. Self concept is strictly analytical and provides you with a more informational sense of who you think you are. Because of this, you are given a more rational idea of yourself. When it comes to your self esteem, this is more influenced by external stimuli and, thus, causes you to judge yourself based on those stimuli and your internal feelings of your value or worth. The feelings that you have from the feedback that you get from others are added to your “esteem buckets” and are weighed to make you feel a certain way toward yourself. It makes sense that majority of the factors that contribute to our self esteem come from outside factors. I think back to when I was younger and how I was treated in middle school. I was a well liked, mildly popular, and intelligent student with a big personality and numerous talents (such as a great singing voice, poetic mind, and athletic capabilities) which earned me respect by my peers. If I was asked to now, I could write down verbatim some of the things, good and bad, that were said to me and about me. The list of good things would outweigh the bad and I feel, partly because of this, I am the way I am because I had a more positive experience in the years of my life where image and perception were beginning to be of the utmost importance. In addition to that, I had a mother who encouraged open communication and nurtured my feelings and reciprocated compassion and love wholly.

My grandmother, as I'm sure many other grandmothers, would always tell my siblings and me “it ain’t what people call you; it’s what you answer to.” When I was younger I didn't understand for the life of me what she meant however, now that I’m older, I am able to deduce what that, at one time very vague statement, meant. People can call me stupid all day, but it is only when I answer to that term that it validates the feelings and perceptions that I may have for and about myself and confirms to them the type of person that I am. I may not be stupid, but I’m obviously not smart or assertive enough to express to them that I’m not. At that point, I have added their opinions to my negative “esteem bucket” and weighed down its load which in turn lowers my self-esteem. My niece is 17 years old and, like so many young girls, has self-esteem issues. What was interesting to me is that, according to Dr. Robin F. Goodman of the New York University Child Study Center, 75% of young girls at age nine love how they look, but that percentage sharply declines to 55% when they turn 12 and decreases even more once they reach their teens. “Being that self-esteem comes from within and is borne in us at childhood, it’s a long process to correct and if it decreases sharply during adulthood, it can lead to many dangerous and reckless behaviors such as alcoholism, drugs, and promiscuity,” Goodman states. This makes all the more sense for my niece who experienced a lack of encouragement, inspiration, and insight in her childhood. I was able to sit and chat with her about this and from her perspective the media contributed to the way she felt about her self, however the vast majority of her low self esteem was attributed to the fact that she never had open and endearing communication with her parents, lacked positive role models, and had no point of reference as to who she could emulate.

According to Jim Liebelt of, “Girls are craving better communication with adult figures as they struggle with challenges in their lives. The top wish among 70% of girls is for their parents to communicate better with them, including more frequent and more open conversations, as well as discussions about what is happening in her life.” For my niece, it was much harder to love and accept who she was because at a very young age she was given toys such as Barbie, that she idolized but could never live up to. Liebelt also mentions the importance of fathers reaffirming beauty in their girls. “Dads have so much potential power to influence [their daughters’] self-esteem, their independence, and their healthy body image.” Since many girls grow up and marry men, it’s important for them to have that acceptance from their father to remain confident with their husbands. They aren’t as prone to fall victim to their husbands’ words if they feel their wives has put on a little weight or look a little older. That impression their father gave them of themselves stands strong and deeply roots their esteem with their internal strength. Some girls don’t have that influence, however. They are taught to love fantasy but live in reality. What you love and aspire to be must be real to you, someone you can strive to be without plastic surgery, chemicals, and money involved. Self-esteem seems to be heavily dependent upon family and friends contributing to the perception or self concept of who we are. Because my niece didn’t have another female figure there to empower, encourage, and empathize with her, she looked elsewhere to find validation. That validation came from television, radio, and the internet and turned her into a self-hating sponge. Not having any black or Samoan role models introduced to her early on and not having her mother there to help boost her esteem, she looked to the most popular and iconic symbol of beauty at the time. After speaking with her, more in depth, about it I feel that she now knows where to draw inspiration from, who to talk to, and how to deal with the negation that the media sometimes exudes. She, of course, won’t be “cured” next week. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was her self esteem. This is the good thing about self esteem, it is ever changing according to the people we surround our self with and the type of environments we expose ourselves to. There is hope for this young girl with a fruitful future yet.

The self concept is a very powerful ideal. It is the framework of our mind and blueprint for our morals and personality and contributes to every sense of who we are to our selves and to others. The very fact that something intangible has so much weight on our overall self is insane to me. It influences so much of whom we are and the most amazing thing is the very people in power back them and those of today that shape our world and make game changing decisions, do so on the premise of their own self concept and self esteem coupled with those that surround them. Think about it: had Abe Lincoln not have been as honest as a president, devoted as a husband, and inspiring as a father, the Emancipation Proclamation may not have seen the light of day. If his parents and their parents and their parents didn’t preach about respect for others and remaining strong in your convictions, his morals may not have been the same as they were when he took the presidency which could have led to a totally different outcome for world that we live in today. Fortunately, for us, we can all now learn about these fantastic concepts that contribute to our individual make up and hopefully take what we learn about ourselves, impress those things on our offspring, and create a world that is both receptive and enduring not through billion dollar companies and powerful armies but through million dollar smiles with our children and priceless communication, empowerment, and conversation with and about the amazing people that are “us.” I wanted to end this post with a bang so here it goes...BANG!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Office Etiquette 101: Am I the Only One Who Took This Course?

For the many of us who wake up at 7AM and drag ourselves into work at 8AM, we know all too well the many personalities, attitudes, and problems that come along with working in an office setting. I, for one, have recently been exposed to this and have not had any luck changing this negative perception. The worst thing of it all is that people don't hold themselves accountable for their actions, words, or mistakes. If you work in a small office it seriously screams "heightened stress level." Everyone wants to be the boss, everyone knows everything, everyone is never wrong but you, and yet when a big problem arises, you can never find anyone. Add to that, the fact that many of the people you work with may get paid more than you to do less work without even touting one or two notable degrees. I hate dislike the fact that the hierarchy is not well defined and the people at the top have no clue how they got there.

Aside from the many issues you may face at work, none really compares to the little things that people do to irk you, anger you, and just turn your overall pleasant day into a horrible one. I'll start with common things in a small office type setting where there are no "closed" sections. These are some of the things I, and close friends, have noticed in our work settings and wanted to post as a disclaimer to the oblivious culprits.

  1. Manners 101
          Many people learn at a very young age the right and wrong accepted and inappropriate behaviors at home, work, and among guests. At work, however, you should not take it upon yourself to dig in your nose and attempt to shake your coworkers hand as if they didn't notice you "digging for gold." Secondly, there is no need for incorporating your reckless behaviors, such as smoking, dipping, or drinking into your work regimen.That should be done on your break, not while you are doing paperwork at your desk. When a coworker is on the phone, there is no need to try and get their attention by waving, hissing, or talking louder than them. They probably do hear, but realize that the money they are making on the phone is more important than the noise you are making to get their attention.No one wants to hear your burps or the odoriferous smells of your flatulence, by the way. If you ate Mexican food for lunch, then take a Beano before you plunge into that fajita plate. Also, there is no need to establish a "farting duel" between you and another coworker. We are not 12 anymore and that always put you and everyone in the office in a stinky situation (pun intended).One that grinds my gears the most is simply saying good morning and good bye. Why on earth would you come to work everyday and see the same people and not tell them good morning or at least reciprocate it when they say it to you? It boggles my mind, how people were brought up to not say these things. Maybe since the world has become so enamored with technology and communication through such human interaction has been put on the back burner. Literally everyday I walk into work and tell my secretary good morning. She never responds or even smiles to show she heard me but just looks at me and turns around. The weird thing about it is I get a text message 15-20 minutes later from her saying good morning and asking if I have anything I need to mail off. WTH?? By the way, you may curse like a sailor, but keep in mind we are on land and far from any ships that are about to set sail. Keep the profanities to a minimum. I don't feel there is anything going on in the world that requires you to use the F-bomb that many times in a day.

  • Compliment your coworkers on their efforts
  • Say please and thank you when you need something or when something is done for you
  • Strive for accuracy and clarity in communicating
  • Understand that you are not the only one in the office so bodily ejections should be kept to a minimum
  • Make certain that you are considerate of your volume and the subject matter of your conversation
  • Sexual humor in the workplace is both offensive and derogatory
     2.  Cleanliness 101

          I never understood why grown adults rely on others to do things for them. Cleaning up after yourself was taught in grade school and the fact that today a man of 30 or even 60 relies on others to clean up after him is ridiculous. When at work, if you decide to bring your lunch, please be sure to clean up after yourself. When I say yourself, I mean to clean up around the areas of your mouth and your hands in addition to anything that may have gotten on your shirt. The worst thing is to have John Doe come back from the lunch area to his office and he stops to chat with you and ends up making a sexual joke while there is a dollop of mayonnaise at the corners of his mouth (barf alert). In addition, you should clean up your area--not by brushing all the bread crumbs off the table onto the floor--by using a rag and cleaning the table in addition to any utensils you may have used. Furthermore, if I have to go to your office, I should not smell the atrocious aroma of the McDonalds hamburger you ate a week ago. Dump your trash or find the partially eaten burger that is buried under your papers. That is disgusting and I'm sure is some type of bacterial hazard. I do not want to see mustard or ketchup stains on the paperwork that you and I worked on together. That makes me look bad. There should not be piece of shredded lettuce being pulled off your desk by worker ants. If there are more than 3 flies flying ONLY around you, then I suggest you use the shower in the work bathroom to clean up a bit.

  • Be fresh--shower at home daily
  • Clean up your mess
  • Wash your dishes
  • Pay attention to the things you eat and leave at your desk
  • Don't work on important projects while eating sloppy joes

      3.  Smells 101

          Okay, I think that this deserves its own number.  Smells, Aromas, and Scents have long encompassed the office--sometimes scents and smells from 10 years ago just linger within the walls. I have a very sensitive nose and because of this I smell everything that is out of place and out of date. People need to be more considerate in the workplace when it comes to scents especially if they are within close quarters. My office is fine but it seems someone is always in it or passing by it very often. Some of my coworkers smoke, drink work out, and love cologne/perfume. One thing that I cannot deal with is if you walk in the door smelling like you are a Pall Mall cigarette. That is so terrible. The worst part of it all is they don't realize the smell because they have gotten so used to it. The same goes for alcohol. If you are drinking alcohol before you come in to work because you hate your job, the problem is not your job. I do not and cannot deal with you coming into my office and leaning over me and inebriating me with just the scent of the vodka you just consumed. I never understood for the life of me why people don't take baths. If it's not against your religion or you're not allergic to water, you should be dosing yourself with a little H20 and Ivory soap. Those smells are distracting and quite unprofessional. If you don't like the smell what makes you think that I would? If you go to the bathroom and nature is calling, please be sure to end the call by wiping yourself thoroughly and washing your hands to ensure nothing is left behind. Once you see poop on a human, that's probably like the worst thing you can ever see! Lastly, if you love White Diamonds or Chanel No. 5, that is perfect but don't drink the perfume and let it seep slowly through your pores and stink up the office. Too much of a good thing is bad!

  • If you're a smoker, let the smoke air out of your clothes before coming back into the office
  • If you're a drinker, try not to drink before you come to work. Seek help if you have to drink to get through work
  • There is no need to cut your tea or coffee with a little vodka, just drink a Red Bull
  • Be considerate of your coworkers and keep your body odor neutral
  • Cologne and perfume is to be used to make you smell good and appealing, not as a soap
  • If someone tells you that your scent affects their allergies, don't wear it again

These were some of the major don'ts in the office. If you deal with this on a daily basis, it's time to confront the very people who are responsible for this obstruction of etiquette. In order for us to work efficiently and enjoy our work, these hazards must be taken care of. Ring the alarm and announce the issues you have at work! Silence rarely opposes an issue, it simply justifies its continuance to remain as is. I wanted to end this post with a bang so here it goes ... BANG.